Managing Stress during a Pandemic

The past few months have brought unprecedented changes and challenges into our lives.  Many of us have been working from home, some have lost a job or we know someone who has, educators had to move everything online and change lesson plans in an instant,  many parents found themselves in a new role or multiple roles (more so than usual), and so many of us continue struggling to manage mentally and physically.  Additionally, our children had to orient to a new way of learning while attempting to process the unknown and what this means for their friendships, education, and major milestones. These changes are HUGE. So if you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or all of the above, below is a list of ten suggestions to ease the worry and distract from current events, even if for a minimal amount of time.

Ten Ways To Manage Stress

  1. Listen to music.  Make a playlist of your favorite mood boosting songs and have a dance party in your living room.

  2. Take up a free or inexpensive hobby like jewelry making, meditation, or reading.

  3. Organize and clean out your closet for a minimalist approach, and set aside items to donate (Ex: Project 333).

  4. Try out a new recipe with ingredients currently in your pantry, fridge, or freezer.  My Fridge Food, SuperCook, and AllRecipes let you enter your ingredients and recipes are then provided.

  5. Host a virtual brunch or get together on Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.

  6. Nurture relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. Start a game night or new tradition.

  7. Take a break from current events.  Step away from the constant news updates and take a minute to relax.  Headspace, Calm, Stop, Breathe,Think, Aura, and Insight Timer are free apps.

  8. If able, consider volunteering for Meals on Wheels, donating to food banks (SA Food Bank, GRASP, RACAP-be mindful of current guidelines during COVID-19), or donating to your favorite cause. Amazon Smile allows you to donate to most charitable organizations each time you shop.

  9. Document your experiences in a journal or art journal.

  10. Nothing at all.  It is okay not to be productive.  There is no right way or wrong way to feel about the current situation.  Be kind to yourselves and check-in with one another.

If you want to learn more about how we can support you during this time, contact us today to get started.


Perinatal Mental Health during the Pandemic


Conquering Confinement